We held our Christmas Lunch at the ABC Restaurant on Sunday, Dec. 9/18. It was well attended and it was a great way to start off the Christmas season. In spite of the heavy rain, a couple of very nice Studebakers were parked outside for all to see and admire. Too bad it was not a better day for kicking tires and checking under hoods. Thanks to Gary T. and Pete Y. for bringing them – I am sorry, it was too wet to even go out and take a picture!
This year we had Cory, who is a caricaturist, come and draw portraits of all the guests as we were socializing and having lunch. Cory did a fabulous job and it added a lot of fun to the afternoon
(If anyone reading this is looking for a caricaturist in the future here is his website: www.corycatures.com)
Here are some pictures of members enjoying the day.
Special thanks to Vera and Dave C. for bringing a large supply of home grown and roasted hazelnuts for everybody to enjoy over the Holiday Season. Much appreciated.
Everybody certainly enjoyed the special day and Linda and I would like to wish everyone a glorious Christmas Season and drive safely.
(Click on the images to make them larger)